The Big Story

The Big Story Week 18: Captivity!

Last week we learned about David’s son Solomon. Solomon was a wise king and under his direction Jerusalem grew into a great city. However even with a wise king they struggled with their promise to worship and obey only God. After King Solomon died Judah (Israel) faces many challenges. They continued to disobey. Let’s see what happens.

The Big Story

The Big Story Week 17: King Solomon

This week we return to the Old Testament. Before Advent we talked about the Israelites wanting a king. First they had King Saul and things didn’t go well. Next, they had King David who loved God. This week we meet his son King Solomon.

The Big Story

The Big Story Week 16: The Boy Jesus

Jesus is the Forever King that God promised King David. Jesus was born in a barn in the tiny city of Bethlehem. He is God’s Son. The Lord chose Mary and Joseph to raise Jesus. After the birth of Jesus, God warned Joseph in a dream to take his family to Egypt to protect them from a bad king. That is where this week’s lesson begins.

The Big Story

The Big Story Week 15: It’s A Boy

God told us through His prophets that Jesus would be born in the unimportant town of Bethlehem. He would be the forever King that God promised to King David.

The Big Story

The Big Story Week 14: A Messenger

God had announced the coming of His Son. He wanted to make sure the people were ready for His Son. God sends another prophet, John.