What are you thankful for?

Gratitude Challenge 2023: Day 1

Today starts our 30 days of Gratitude challenge.

Today’s prompt: What are you thankful for today?”

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul urges us to give thanks in everything. That means even on your worst day.

Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:18

Let’s remember to count our blessings, even when they seem hidden, and share what you’re thankful for today.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Dee, thanks for sending the reminder. I will accept the Gratitude challenge! I am grateful I still have enough eyesight to be able to see this beautiful world,the faces of my family and friends, and can see to write messaages to others. I can also see well enough to drive during the day.

    I know you paint pictures sometimes, did you paint this beautiful picture?
    I have been studying Paul’s writings the past few weeks.

    1. Sandra,

      Thank you. The image is from a template I found on Canva. While I am able to create graphics from scratch this year I discovered that the church was able to get Canva Pro for free. Canva has been a timesaver and uppped my game. Before my graphics were often whatever I could put together quickly because don’t have the time.

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