God of Wonders

This week I was listening to Third Day’s Farewell CD. Yes, I know I am old school and still listen to CDs. God of Wonders is one my favorite of their songs. As always I am struck by the majesty of God and humbled that he would even care to be involved in my life.

The Ascension

Ascension Sunday

ACTS 1 INTRODUCES many themes that are important to the whole book: Jesus’ life and ministry, his sufferings as a fact predicted in the Old Testament, the importance of and evidence for the resurrection, the importance and power of the Holy Spirit, the priority of witness, the Great Commission with its scope extending to the ends of the earth, the missionary attitude of the early church, the kingdom of God, the importance of truth and of Scripture in the Christian life, the role of the apostles, the ascension and second coming of Christ, and the importance of prayer and fellowship.

Family Portraits

Family Portraits Week 4: Ruth

For this week we are using an Episode 2: God is With His People from the Action Bible. Discover how God is with your family too!