Family Portraits

Family Portraits Week 6: Eunice & Lois – Mothers of Faith

Bible Truth

God gave us families to help us grow and learn.

Bible Verse

Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


I learned a lot of things from my parents and grandparents. Some things were fun like how to make chocolate pudding or how to read music. Some things were hard at first like learning to read but once I learned how it was fun.  I had a very hard time learning to read. Even though it was hard my mom insisted that I learn to read. In fact, every night in kindergarten through second grade we would spend time reading. By second grade I was one of the best readers in my class and by third grade I loved reading.   

This week we are learning about Eunice and Lois. They were Timothy’s mom and grandma.  There are just a few verses in the Bible about them. From those verses we have know that they loved God and Timothy. They also taught Timothy about God and how to live. Timothy developed a love for learning and God from those early lessons with his mom and grandma.

Get Into It

Watch  God’s Story – Timothy

God’s Story: Timothy by Crossroads Kids Club

Read The Next Journey Action Bible 779-783 to learn more about Timothy.  As an adult he continued to learn and love God.  He became a leader in the church and taught others about God.

Think About It

  1. Think about the best thing a family member has taught you. Who taught you this lesson? What was it? What makes it the best thing?
  2. What is the hardest lesson your parents or grandparents have taught you?  Why was the lesson hard? 
  3. Think about something you would like a family member to teach. What is it and who would you like to teach it?
  4. What is something your family has taught you about God?

Sing It

Whoa, I Have Life by Yancy & Little Praise Party