Family Portraits

Family Portraits Week 5: Priscilla

Bible Truth

We work together to tell others about Jesus.

Key Verse

We work together to serve God. 1 Corinthians 3:9 a New International Readers Version


Paul made several missionary trips to tell others about Jesus. In Corinth, Paul met fellow believers Priscilla & Aquila. They invited Paul stay with them and teach them more about Jesus. You can read more about Paul’s trip to Corinth in “Corinthian Court“, Action Bible 792-794.

Get Into It

Watch Slapstick Theater: Aquila & Priscilla

Produced by Saddleback Kids

Think About It

  1. Think about someone you can tell about Jesus’ love and forgiveness. What is one way you can share God’s love with them? Pray that God will help you share his love with them.
  2. As a family complete one either younger child or older children “Priscilla & Aquila” activity that you received via email. If you did not get the email or would like a copy leave a comment below.

Sing It

Shine & Serve by Yancy