Pentecost (Kids’ Lesson)

Bible Truth

We need the Holy Spirit to help us.

Bible Verse

… you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Act 1:8 NIV  


Last week learned about the Ascension or when Jesus returned to heaven. He spent 3 years preparing for the disciples for that day and ministry.  Jesus didn’t just leave them to figure things out by themselves. He sent the Holy Spirit to help guide..

Get Into It

Note: Waiting for the Spirit pages 719-721 in the Action Bible are a bridge between The Ascension and Pentecost.

Read Tongues of Fire pages 722-726 in the Action Bible.

OR (Of course you may do both.)

Read God’s Wonderful Gift from The Bible App for Kids. (Available for IOS & Android. You will need to download the story once you have installed the app.

Watch Tongues of Fire

Think About It

Many people around us do not know that Jesus loves them.  That is why Jesus told us to tell others about him.  This week think of someone that needs to know about Jesus’ love and forgiveness. What is one way you can share God’s love with them? Pray that God will help you share his love with them.

Sing It

Shine & Serve by Yancy