Family Portraits

Family Portraits Week 8: Noah

Bible Truth

I can trust God to keep his promises.

Bible Verse

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)


What is a promise? Have you ever made a promise? Did you keep the promise? Has someone ever made a promise to you? Did they keep it? This week we are going to learn about a promise God made.

Get Into It

This week there are three options. Select one or more if you wish

Read Two by Two from The Bible App for Kids. (Available for IOS & Android. You will need to download the story once you have installed the app.


Read A Rainbow Promise pages 37-40 in the Action Bible.


Watch A Rainbow Promise.

To learn more about Noah read pages 30-36 in The Action Bible.

Think About It

In this week’s email includes two different lesson sheets one for preschool and one for elementary. If you didn’t get the email or need a copy of the lesson either leave a comment below. (Be sure to include a valid email on the form. Don’t worry it won’t be visible.

Sing It